Published on January 2020 | Pharmacology, ADR, Pharmacy Practice

A case report on life threatening hypotensive anaphylactic shock induced by ceftriaxone with clinidipine [drug-drug interaction]
Authors: G Lakshmi Narasimha*; M Balaji; S Chandra Babu
Journal Name: Open Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Page No: 1-5
Indexing: Google Scholar

Introduction: Drug-Drug interactions are more common and can occur between the two drugs that are synergistic or antagonistic in nature and thus leads to either increased or decreased drug effect. Ceftriaxone is a third generation beta lactam antibiotic used for the treatment of various bacterial infections. Anaphylactic reactions by ceftriaxone are rare and sometimes these reactions are often considered to be life threatening if they developed such as skin reactions, hypotension and angioedema etc. Whereas Clinidipine is a calcium channel blocker used in treatment of Hypertension. The most serious adverse effects associated with Clinidipine are fast heartbeat, angioedema and hypotension etc. Case Presentation: we report a case of a 60 years old male patient admitted in Government General Hospital with a generalised weakness, shortness of breath after the administration of IV Ceftriaxone injection from outside hospital and was on antihypertensive medication Clinidipine of dose 5 mg. Discussion: The condition was diagnosed as Drug induced hypotensive anaphylactic shock. Immediately all the antihypertensive drugs were stopped and other drugs were provided for symptomatic recovery. The patient was recovered from his condition and antihypertensive drug clinidipine was continued. Conclusion: This work Provides newer evidence of fatal drug combination between ceftriaxone and clinidipine to Health Care Professionals and also emphasises the need for management of such anaphylactic conditions by the withdrawal of causative agent to prevent the progression of reaction.

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