A Neural Network approach and Wavelet analysis for ECG classification
Authors: Mayank Kumar Gautam; Vinod Kumar Giri
Journal Name: IEEE ICETECH 2016
Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Page No: 1136-1141
Indexing: SCOPUS

ECG is basically the graphical representation of the electrical activity of cardiac muscles during contraction and release stages. It helps in determination of the cardiac arrhythmias in a well manner. Due to this early detection of arrhythmias can be done properly. In other words we can say that the bio-potentials generated by the cardiac muscles results in an electrical signal called Electro-cardiogram (ECG). It acts as a vital physiological parameter, which is being used exclusively to know the state of the cardiac patients. Feature extraction of ECG plays a vital role in the manual as well as automatic analysis of ECG for the use in specially designed instruments like ECG monitors, Holter tape recorders and scanners, ambulatory ECG recorders and analyzers. In this paper the study of the concept of pattern recognition of ECG is done. It refers to the classification of data patterns and characterizing them into classes of predefined set. The analysis ECG signal falls under the application of pattern recognition. The ECG signal generated waveform gives almost all information about activity of the heart. The ECG signal feature extraction parameters such as spectral entropy, Poincare plot and Lyapunov exponent are used for study in this paper. This paper also includes artificial neural network as a classifier for identifying the abnormalities of heart disease.

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