Published on February 2022 | Social Networking Sites, Virtual Private Networks, Academic Achievement, Jammu and Kashmir

An Analysis of Usage of Social Networking Sites in Jammu and Kashmir
Authors: Shazia Kouser
View Author: Shazia Kouser
Journal Name: International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Page No: 627-629
Indexing: Google Scholar

Social Networking Sites are considered as the web based application and platforms which help users to connect with one another and form social connections. It is said that use of these technological tools to communicate have led to digitization where each user on these website is available on a single click and the person doesn’t need to search for anywhere as he can communicate with the other user through a single click. The aim and objective of the current study was to analyse the usage of Social Networking Sites in Jammu and Kashmir. The study also deals with the positive and negative impact of Social Networking Sites. The study reveal that the students in the Jammu and Kashmir access Social Networking Sites more than other sites. This might be because most the day to day information is available on these websites. As a result, the students are being getting addicted to these website. As compared to females, the male participants were found to be high on internet addiction than their counter parts and no significant difference was found in internet addiction with respect to their residential status.

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