Published on November 2020 | Wireless Sensor Network

An Efficient Approach to Detect DoS Attacks in Wireless Ad hoc Sensor Network
Authors: Isaac Sajan R, Jasper J
View Author: Dr. Isaac Sajan R
Journal Name: International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development
Volume: 3 Issue: 6 Page No: 270-274
Indexing: Google Scholar

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprises large number of sensor nodes, which is capable of transmitting information to a shorter distance in low bandwidth with low power consumption. Sensor nodes are deployed in an environment that cannot be reached easily which makes the network vulnerable to attacks. Vampire attack is one of such DoS attacks where attackers choose a longest path while transmitting data to sink. Vampire attack affects the throughput of the network and even leads to the failure of the network. So detection of such attacks and preventing it is necessary. Comparing to other forms of attacks, detecting vampire attack is difficult as the attacking node have all the necessary information of its network before attacking a node. We present in our paper a comprehensive survey on various types of DoS attacks in WSNs and approaches to prevent vampire attack using KID-LEACH. Simulation results shows KID-LEACH protocol performs better when compare to the existing protocols.

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