Published on September 2022 | Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial Intelligence In Education
Authors: Majid, Ishfaq ; Vijaya Lakshmi, Y.
View Author: Ishfaq Majid
Journal Name: The Indian Journal of Technical Education
Volume: 45 Issue: 3 Page No: 11-16
Indexing: Google Scholar

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the disruptive technologies which is being used to customize the experiences of various learning groups, instructors, and tutors. It is considered the most in-demand technology in today's education system. It is expected that AI will enhance the education system worldwide. The educational institutions are nowadays facing various challenges like high dropout rates, unavailability of smart content, lack of customized content as per the textbooks, lack of personalized learning systems, rigid examination patterns etc. The use of AI brings hope to overcome these challenges. It helps to create personalized learning experiences, develop smart content, expand the range of education, and facilitate the management & administration of education by integrating information and disseminating data as per the needs of the target group. With AI, teachers/instructors can identify the learning styles and hard points of students and provide new avenues of teaching and support to students. The current study discusses about AI in various areas of education and its application in Indian education. AI has the potential for enabling students to achieve their goals and streamline the process of education. It can analyse the students' previous learning history, identify their weaknesses, and improve the upcoming learning opportunities for personalized learning experiences. AI can be used effectively for transcription of faculty lectures in local languages which can thus become a good educational resource to students of technical education. The AI tools and programs are inclusive which makes the classrooms accessible to all irrespective of language or any other disabilities.

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