Published on September 2020 | Education

Assessment of political officeholders’ attitudes towards educational planning in federal capital territory, Abuja, Nigeria.
Authors: Jacob Niyi Ogunode, Deborah Gregory, Musa Abubakar
Journal Name: Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas
Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Page No: 68-79
Indexing: Google Scholar

Introduction: The attitudes of political officeholder towards educational planning in Nigeria is not encouraging and this is affecting the entire educational system. Purpose: This purpose of this paper is to assess the political officeholder attitudes towards planning of education in FCT. Methodology: The survey design was used for the study. Random sampling technique was employed to select the respondents while questionnaire was adopted for data collection, test re-test method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument. This study used SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Sciences) soft for data analysis. The data collected was cleansed by the researchers who removed the unwanted data. The results were analyzed using percentage, mean and standard deviation and chi-square method. Result: The results revealed that there was significant relationship between the attitudes of political officeholders and poor planning of education in FCT. Finding: The finding revealed that the majorities of the respondents disagreed that political officeholders have positive attitude toward educational planning, majorities of the respondents disagreed that adequately funding are provided for educational planning. It was also discovered that majorities of the respondents disagreed that political officeholders are support the capacity development of educational planners and 100% of the respondents disagreed that political officeholders are providing necessary planning tools for educational planner to plan education. Recommendation: The government should appoint people with passion for educational development and political officeholders should develop positive attitude toward educational planning in FCT by allocating adequate funds for educational planning.

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