Published on May 2021 | Climate Change

Carbon Sequestration Potential of Tree Species at Isabela State University Wildlife Sanctuary (ISUWS), Cabagan, Isabela, Philippines
Authors: Alfonso, Gerryc; Pascua, Julius
Journal Name: Open Journal of Ecology
Volume: 11 Issue: 5 Page No: 462-473
Indexing: SCI/SCIE,Web of Science,Google Scholar,ISI Indexing

This study is conducted to assess the amount of carbon stored in the above-ground biomass of the tree species at the Isabela State University Wildlife Sanctuary (ISUWS). A total of 34 different tree species were found with 285 individuals were identified with a total of 47.50 t/ha Carbon stock and 164.09 t/ha of accumulated CO2. It was found in the study that Alstonia scholaris contains the largest amount of above-ground biomass (AGB) with a mass of 20.97 t/ha and Carbon stock of 9.44 t/ha followed by Samanea saman with a mass of 13.40 t/ha and Carbon stock of 6.03 t/ha. Based on the result and conclusion of this investigation, the following recommendations were drawn: Conduct a study concerning the carbon emission of the area to determine the relationship with its carbon sequestration potential; and conduct tree planting activity to open areas in the study site to increase its carbon stock potential and fully serve the purpose of the area as a wildlife sanctuary.

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