Published on September 2020 | Curriculum and Instruction, Curriculum Education

Contextualized E-Learning Resource: A Tool for Stronger Academic Platform
Authors: Edward C. Jimenez
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page No: 110-116
Indexing: Google Scholar

This aim of this study was conducted to recognize the impact of contextualized e-learning resources as tools for a stronger academic platform. To achieve this, this paper used an experimental type of research. A total of 180 students participated in the experiment using cluster sampling. For the instrument, this study used Supplementary Learning Resources (Digital Flipbook). A paired sample t-test was used to assess the significant effect of the contextualized e-learning resource to the academic performance of the students. The result of the experiment showed no significant difference between the means pre-test scores of the two groups. But upon the utilization of contextualized e-Learning Materials, it showed that the pvalue of the post-test scores is less than the alpha significance level 0.05. This means that the use of contextualized e-Learning Resources in teaching Mathematics in grade 3 learners has a significant effect to increase learners' academic performance. This also proved that the use of contextualized e-Learning Resources increases the academic performance of learners. The electronic tools provided by the teacher created a sound learning environment to master the least learned competencies. In light of the conclusion drawn, the researcher recommended pertinent suggestions that are deemed beneficial for the teachers and heads of institutions.

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