Published on March 2020 | Media and Communication Studies
This study was based to investigate the comparative viewpoint on the War on Terror in Pakistan of Indian and American press by analyzing the content of these newspapers. The study objective was to determine how The Hindu of India and the New York Times (NY Times) of America depicted and how the War on Terror in Pakistan is significantly covered and portrayed by these selected newspapers. The study also analyzes to what extent the NY Times and The Hindu followed its state's foreign policies while covering the issue. The study pointed out that NY Times gives slight coverage to Pakistan and also other third world countries, however, as for as the War on Terror in Pakistan is concerned it gives a considerable coverage compare to The Hindu with favorable stance and portray Pakistan as front line state in the War on Terror in Pakistan. This research study also finds out that when the NY Times gives coverage to other third world countries that it has no interests, it inclines to cover negative news. The results of this study will benefit the government concerned to know and formulate the policy regarding the War on Terror in Pakistan.