Published on February 2016 | Conflict Education

Educating children in conflict zones
Authors: RIZWAN Rumi
Journal Name: INSIGHT journal of Applied research in Education
Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Page No: 273-276
Indexing: Index Copernicus

A Child who is not educated is disadvantaged in terms of income, health and opportunity. In coming years, a society that does not educate its children will be disabled in terms of the economic productivity and social welfare of its people (Anderson, 1992, p.8). The returns to education at a personal level are high. By the same token, lack of education can be a serious social and economic handicap. Quality schooling gives children a better chance for a full, healthy and secure future. Basic skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic facilitate access to good employment in adulthood, as well as to information essential to both adults and children for solving problems and making important decisions. Education also brings the rewards of confidence and self-esteem associated with achievement and encourages the development of analytical and reasoning powers. Education is a major instrument for change and social development which plays an important role in empowering the child economically and socially and assists the marginalized population out of poverty. Education also provides the children with the means to participate fully in their communities (UNESCO, 2000).

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