Published on June 2018 | Education

Exploring and Assessing Cross-cultural Sensitivity in Bosnian Tertiary Education: Is there a real promise of harmonious coexistence?
Authors: Senad Bećirović, Amna Brdarević-Čeljo
View Author: Dr. Senad Bećirović
Journal Name: European Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Page No: 244-256
Indexing: SCOPUS,Web of Science,SCIMAGOJR

The aim of this research was to examine how university type, nationality, GPA, gender and grade level affect the cross-cultural sensitivity of students at tertiary level of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The revised and updated Inventory of Cross-Cultural Sensitivity (ICCSv2) was utilized for data collection. It contains four subscales: cultural inclusion, cultural behavioral integration, cultural anxiety, and cognitive flexibility. The representative sample consists of 219 students. The results have shown that university type, GPA and nationality have a significant effect on the development of cross-cultural sensitivity, while gender and students’ grade level do not appear to have a significant impact on cross-cultural sensitivity. The results suggest that university along with its peculiar properties has a significant influence on shaping students’ crosscultural development. The major implication of the study is that some aspects of cross-cultural sensitivity can be developed further in the university milieu and through curriculum adjustment.

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