Published on August 2020 | Food Safety

Food Safety Training For Street Food Vendors Are Mandatory In Sindh
Authors: Parkash Meghwar
View Author: Parkash Meghwar
Journal Name: Food Sciences News
Volume: 0 Issue: 0 Page No: 0

ood safety training are very important for the street food vendors because they have direct contact with foods. Food contribute vital role in the life span of the human beings as well as other living entities. If you eat, you are involve in Agriculture and it plays crucial role to fulfill the food requirement of public. Pakistan is an Agro-based country where farmers grow vegetables, fruits, and cereals as source of Food. Food obtained from two major sources: Plant and Animals. Food is life, food is basic necessity of every living being and Food is our health if hygiene. Despite, food safety is negligible especially, food of street vendors is unsafe due to improper handling, processing, and packaging as well as personal un-hygiene condition. Food safety mentions all those threats, whether long-lasting or critical, that may make food distressing to the well-being of the customer.

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