Published on June 2020 | Social Sciences, Research and Evaluation, Educational Research

Generating the Theory on Research Teaching: A Meta-synthesis
Authors: Reynaldo V. Moral
View Author: Dr. Reynaldo V. Moral
Journal Name: Research and Education Journal (Asian Intellect for Academic and Development Inc.)
Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page No: 84-91

ABSTRACT This study aims to generate a theory using the thematic analysis that would explain the phenomenon of teaching research in Senior High School in the Philippines. The researcher used the metasynthesis approach through a seventeen (17) review of researches related to the arts of teaching research. The steps include: framing of questions for a review, identifying relevant work, assessing the quality of studies, summarizing the evidence, and interpreting the findings. For the qualitative papers, a checklist from Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) was used to assess the quality of each paper and the overall strength of evidence. From the conducted thematic analysis, three (3) themes surfaced: (1) Involve me and I learn by doing; (2) I may not like research, but I can learn; and (3) I come, I like, and I inspire. From the analysis of themes, three propositions were formulated: (1) Teaching practices are related to the students’ research productivity; (2) Students’ research productivity is influenced by their attitudes and teachers’ attributes; and (3) Teaching research requires creativity, and aspiration of the teacher. The generated theory from analyzing the propositions stated that: Teachers’ attributes and their creative teaching practices lead to students’ positive attitudes towards research and research productivity. The creativity of the research teacher is seen as the major determinant of students’ development of research skills. Keywords: creativity, pedagogy in research, proposition, qualitative research, systematic review

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