Published on September 2017 | Embedded System
The Existing local Energy meter perusing frameworks generally exist numerous issues, for example, trouble in development, excessively contract data transmission, poor ongoing, not two way correspondence rapidly and so forth. To take care of above issues, this paper utilizes the remote innovation for Automatic Meter Reading framework. A proposed strategy gives the correspondence between the Electricity Board segment and the purchaser area utilizing Internet of things (IOT) for transmitting the client’s power utilization and bill data that is computed utilizing microcontroller. The power variances are checked utilizing the voltage sensor and current sensor is encouraged to the microcontroller which shows it to the Electricity Board. Contingent upon the power era, the house hold gadgets are controlled naturally. From Electricity Board segment the data in regards to the bill sum and installment are conveyed to the customer by means of Global System for Mobile correspondence. The power and charging data is constantly transmitted by the utilization of Internet of Things and observed by the Electricity Board area. At whatever point there is power robbery distinguished can be sent from the Electricity Board area to slice the supply to the client.