Published on August 2020 | Energy storage

One-step electrodeposited MoS2@Ni-mesh electrode for flexible and transparent asymmetric solid-state supercapacitors
Authors: Bobby Singh Soram , Jiu Yi Dai, Ibomcha Singh Thangjam, Nam Hoon Kim and Joong Hee Lee
Journal Name: Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Volume: 8 Issue: 0 Page No: 24040
Indexing: SCI/SCIE

Transparent and flexible energy-storage devices have currently gained a lot of attention as wearable and portable electronics. Herein, we develop a one-step electrodeposited MoS2 nanosheet@Ni-mesh core–shell network nanostructure as a transparent negative electrode for the flexible and transparent asymmetric solid-state supercapacitor (FT-ASSc). In the fabricated core–shell nanosheet network architecture, the junctionless interconnected Ni-mesh network with excellent conductivity contributes to superior electron transport pathways, and the nanostructure of the MoS2 over the Ni-mesh provides effective interface contact between the active material and current collector. As a result, the MoS2@Ni-mesh network negative electrode provides an areal capacitance of 7.31 mF cm−2 at the scan rate of 10 mV s−1 with an 80% capacity retention rate after 5000 GCD cycles. Moreover, the fabricated FT-ASSc with a transmittance of 51% can operate up to a maximum working potential window of 1.6 V and also provide a maximum volumetric capacitance of 48.32 mF cm−3 at 0.4 mA cm−3 current density. This work might provide a new strategy for improving the electrochemical performance of transparent and flexible energy-storage devices for next-generation integrated electronic gadgets.

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