Published on December 2021 | Experimental Physiology

Perivascular histamine receptors mediate vasosensory reflex responses elicited by thermal nociceptive stimuli in anaesthetised rat models
Authors: Ravindran Revand, Sanjeev K. Singh
View Author: Dr. Revand Ravindran
Journal Name: Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Page No: 146-152
Indexing: SCI/SCIE,SCOPUS,Web of Science,Google Scholar,DOAJ,SCIMAGOJR,EMBASE,Index Copernicus

Objectives: Reflex responses elicited by intra-arterial (i.a) instillation of nociceptive agents are known as vasosensory reflex responses. The present study was designed to demonstrate the vasosensory reflex responses evoked by thermal nociceptive stimuli in anaesthetised rat models and to examine the role of perivascular histamine receptors in mediating these responses. Materials and Methods: In this study, saline at different temperatures (0°C/30°C/55°C) was instilled retrogradely into the femoral artery to stimulate the perivascular nociceptive terminals and the respiratory movements, BP and ECG were recorded for 10 min. Experiments were performed in four groups of rats. Two groups were dedicated to study the temperature-induced reflex cardiorespiratory (CVR) responses after i.a instillation of cold (0°C) and warm saline (55°C). The responses in these groups were compared with the responses after instillation of normal saline at room temperature (30°C) in a separate group of rats that served as time matched control group. Another group of rats was pre-treated with pheniramine and the responses elicited by warm saline were studied. Results: Instillation of warm saline produced immediate (2–6 s) hyperventilatory, hypotensive and bradycardiac responses which were short-lived, while equivolume of normal saline at room temperature did not. Cold saline also elicited the CVR changes of similar quality as that of warm saline but of lesser quantity which were not significantly different from the control group. Pre-treatment with pheniramine significantly attenuated the warm saline-induced reflex responses. Conclusion: Activation of perivascular sensory nerve terminals by thermal nociceptive stimuli elicits vasosensory reflex responses altering CVR parameters. Perivascular histamine receptors play a significant role in mediating the temperature-induced vasosensory reflex responses.

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