Published on October 2020 | Public Health, Sociology

Provision of health service by Government of Punjab 2002 to 2013. A Case Study of Multan City, Punjab, Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Salman Abbas, Qudrat Ullah
View Author: Qudrat Ullah
Journal Name: Journal of the Social Sciences
Volume: 48 Issue: 4 Page No: 2934-2949
Indexing: SCOPUS

The agricultural square measures of Asian country are the underprivileged within the provision of the health care facilities. The expenditures in health sectors square measures overall regressive in rural Asian country likewise as at provincial and regional levels. The poor in the Asian country isn't solely empty monetary resources however additionally lack access to secondary and tertiary health care services. The health system in the Asian country shows that the tehsil/ district headquarters hospitals (secondary health care facilities) solely exists in tehsil/ city and dominion jurisdiction. Individuals living in rural and remote areas principally depend upon primary health care facilities, like Basic Health Unit, Lady Health Worker Clinic, provided by the general public sector. However, attributable to absentees and an enormous variety of non-functional primary health care facilities, the poor tends to consult the personal doctor. Even just in case of emergency, transport price is that the main hurdle for the poor to access the secondary and tertiary health facilities. Moreover, the patient himself/herself or the accompanied family head/member should lose the chance price attributable to travel and waiting time. Of these on top of mentioned factors contribute to the regressive nature of expenditure within the General Hospitals and Clinics. With this background, the study has been doled out to live the incidence of state payment on health in Asian country at provincial, each rural and concrete level. The study explores the inequalities in resource distribution and repair provision against the Govt. health expenditures. Quantitative research method utilized to collect the primary research data. Whereas, Multan city was selected as a case study for this research. Data were collected through survey research techniques with the help of semi-structured interview schedules. The sample size was selected through simple random sampling comprised of 150 doctors and 300 patients. It is found that lack of health resources, government rude attitude with doctors and overcrowding in hospitals are the major reasons for the failure of the health system in Pakistan. It is also found that Pakistan Muslim League, Quaid E Azam had much contributed to provide health services as compared to other political parties. In Pakistan, basic health units are very few while the patients are very much. Government is unable to provide the basic health services to the common people, so the government hospitals are overburdened and due to this doctor’s remained in tension. So, they do strike for more budget for medical services. It is a common phenomenon that most doctor’s do not check properly in government hospitals while at the same time they proffered to check these patients privately with very much carefully

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