Published on January 2020 | taxation

 Tax evasion in Bosnia and Herzegovina: perception from taxpayers and tax inspectors
Authors: Terzic, Džakula, Muminovic
View Author: Dr. Saudin Terzic
Journal Name: Eurasian-Journal-of-Economics-and-Finance
Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page No: 24-37
Indexing: DOAJ

Tax evasion is more of a disciplinary problem, produce by numerous, big and turbulent changes. The growing problems with tax evasion are present all over the world and they require a global solution of the problem. Although tax evasion is a global phenomenon, this is also the issue that most developed countries in the world are dealing with, there are significant differences between individual countries, all depending on the legal order, the entire social system and it is depending from country to country, and this is especially evident among transitioning countries. The problem tax evasion is particularly acute in BiH. The main research result indicates that tax evasion has multiplicative effects by reducing tax evasion the situation in public finances improves substantially. This article analyses tax evasion in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter BiH) perception from taxpayers and tax inspectors. In this line, this article presents the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of tax evasion (which is not a goal in itself), including the empirical analysis factors that have the greatest influence on tax evasion by using logistic regression modelling method. The paper checks the main hypothesis by identifying the factors that affect tax evasion and by determining their significance and impact, it is possible to construct logit model for determining factors of tax evasion in BiH.

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