Published on January 2021 | Organizational Management, Mental Health

Teachers’ Sleep, Religious Tasks, and Suicidal Thoughts: A Preliminary Assessment
Authors: John Mark R. Asio & Edward C. Jimenez
Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Page No: 71-79
Indexing: Google Scholar

Because of the unexpected and debilitating effect of the current pandemic, the impact of the pandemic on teachers is detrimental. This paper investigated the public-school teachers' sleep, religious tasks, and suicidal thoughts. The study used a descriptive correlational de-sign with the online survey as the primary data gathering tool. 198 public school teachers from a school's division in Central Luzon, Philippines participated in the online survey. The researchers created the online instrument with validation done by experts. After the data gathering, the study used the following statistical tools to calculate the frequency count, percentage, rank, t-test, and Analysis of Variance with the help of SPSS 22. Results show that teachers go to sleep be-tween 10:00-11:00 PM and wake up between 5:00-6:00 AM. This comprises 7-9 hours of sleep. Teachers also go to church or other religious meetings once a week and also, they pray, meditate, or study the Bible more than once a week. Also, most of the responses of teachers in the suicidal thoughts were either "no" or "never". Furthermore, the study also found significant differences in the teachers' sleep, religious tasks, and suicidal thoughts when grouped according to their profile. The study concluded that teachers have established sleep and religious tasks routines. On the other hand, suicidal thoughts are out of the options for the teachers’ business.

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