Published on October 2020 | Knowledge management, Organizational performance , SMEs

The Impact of Knowledge Management on The Performance of Employees: The Case of Small Medium Enterprises
Authors: Suja Sundram, P.S.Venkateswaran, Vipin Jain, Shvets Yuriy Yu, Lis M.Yapanto, Ismail Raisal, Ashish Gupta and R.Regin
View Author: Dr. Ismail Raisal
Journal Name: Productivity management
Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Page No: 554-567
Indexing: SCOPUS,Google Scholar

Technology is the resource of the new economy, and the center of technology administration, the essence of corporate organizations. It was used as a method for generating sustainable economic gains and higher performance from the 1990s. It has now become a key asset to maintain profitable corporate advantages and a catalyst for sustained progress and innovation. Each corporation aims to expand and develop whether it is a small business or a large company so that the owners can return on their investment. This objective can be achieved by sustainably superior corporate efficiency. Several variables will affect the current economy's operational success, but information management is becoming more relevant. This paper is intended to summarize knowledge management, emphasizing the importance of this practice area and, on the other hand, presenting some case studies on how knowledge management from various industries is applied. Therefore, after analyzing many case studies where knowledge management is applied, we will explore the concept that knowledge management has significant consequences for an organisation's efficiency. We will continue by emphasizing organisations' general view, their current economy, the information management framework, and how it can be used in organizations. This is accompanied by an overview of information management instances applied and their effect on overall performance. Ultimately, our statement indicates that knowledge management has a positive impact on business efficiency.

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