Published on May 2020 | Food Security

Trends in Livestock Production and Red Meat Industry in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Review
Authors: Hemin Abubakir Neima, Khasraw Muheddin Hassan
View Author: Hemin Neima
Journal Name: Journal of Animal and Poultry Production
Volume: 11 Issue: 5 Page No: 189-192
Indexing: Google Scholar

There are major changes in livestock production and red meat consumption trends throughout the world, particularly in emerging and developing countries due to various factors. The livestock sector as a source of red meat production has significant potential and an important contribution to the agro-economy development of the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Most of the farm animals are reared in the Sulaymaniyah governorate. Mainly, Cattle (6.7%), Sheep (72.45%), goats (20.7%), and buffalo (0.15%) are the most farm animals in the Sulaymaniyah governorate. Although The area has vast pastures which can make it capable to make progress in the livestock industry, currently livestock farming is declining and the number of large and small ruminants has decreased meanwhile importing animals from abroad for red meat has increased to meet the market demand. Furthermore, a further decline in the number of small and large ruminants may harm the sustainability of the agricultural sector Kurdistan region in general and in particular Sulaymaniyah governorate. This paper reviews ten years (2009 to 2018) records of slaughtered cattle, sheep and goats in Sulaymaniyah governorate, Kurdistan region – Iraq aiming to determine trends in production and consumption patterns of red meat products in Sulaymaniyah city, Kurdistan region and identify opportunities for developing livestock production industry in Kurdistan region.

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