Published on September 2021 | Media and Communication

Authors: Dr Shahid Minhas
View Author: Dr. Shahid Minhas
Journal Name: Oeconomia Copernicana
Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Page No: 446-456
Indexing: SCOPUS,Web of Science

The study aims to investigate the student’s perspective on flipped classrooms and challenges faced during the implementation of the flipped classroom in Pakistan. Flipped classroom model is new in Pakistan and the education system is shifting from a traditional classroom to a blended model in Pakistan. The shift is rigid for both the students and teachers in Pakistan. The study is qualitative in nature and the survey method was used to understand the student’s perspective on the flipped classroom. A structured questionnaire was developed and distributed among the higher studies students and teachers across Pakistan with a sample size of 200 participants. The results showed that students were recommending flipped classroom model in Pakistan and were of the view that flipped classroom give greater opportunities than the traditional classroom however, the results showed that flipped classroom is less engaging than the traditional classroom and it is not helpful for the students to improve their learning. The results showed that there are some major challenges for implementing flipped classroom model in Pakistan. Teachers' training with technology and teacher-students’ engagement in this model. The study concluded that flipped classroom model is recommended by the students with improvement in terms of engagement and reducing students load.

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