Published on December 2015 | Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Physiological Biometric Authentication Systems ,Advantages, Disadvantages and Future Development A Review
Authors: Israa Majeed Alsaadi
Journal Name: International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research
Volume: 4 Issue: 12 Page No: 285-289
Indexing: SCOPUS,Web of Science,Google Scholar,DOAJ,EBSCO,ISI Indexing

With the fast increasing of the electronic crimes and their related issues, deploying a reliable user authentication system became a significant task for both of access control and securing user’s private data. Human biometric characteristics such as face, finger, iris scanning ,voice, signature and other features provide a dependable security level for both of the personal and the public use. Many biometric authentication systems have been approached for long time. Due to the uniqueness of human biometrics witch played a master role in degrading imposters’ attacks. Such authentication models have overcome other traditional security methods like passwords and PIN. This paper aims to briefly address the psychological biometric authentication techniques. Also a brief summary to the advantages, disadvantages and future developments of each method is provided in this paper.

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