Published on October 2021 | Authentic leadership, Covid-19, work from home, organizational leadership and growth, leadership in new normalCorporate Leadership, Strategies of Corporate Leader.

Authentic Leadership - the Way Forward in the New Normal
Authors: Rakesh Rayiramkandath
View Author: Rakesh Rayiramkandath
Journal Name: nternational journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) ISSN: 2395-5252 Volume no.: 03
Volume: 3 Issue: 10 Page No: 1237-1241
Indexing: SCOPUS,Google Scholar,Index Copernicus

The unprecedented uncertainty brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the global economic, social, and political environment. Leaders across the globe have felt the need for incorporating urgent measures to counter these challenges in a constructive way. This study sheds light on authentic leadership as a mechanism for progress in the new normal. The study describes in detail the characteristics, advantages, its impact on stakeholders, its implication on business and the challenges in implementing authentic leadership today, particularly in addressing dynamic market changes. The need of the hour is to have great authentic leadership to boost employee morale, workplace productivity and continual organizational growth in the new normal. Keywords: Authentic leadership, Covid-19, work from home, organizational leadership and growth, leadership in new normal

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