Published on June 2017 | Corporate Leadership, Strategies of Corporate Leader.

Role of Leadership in Building an Organizational Culture and Effectiveness
Authors: Rakesh Rayiramkandath
View Author: Rakesh Rayiramkandath
Journal Name: Samvad International Journal of Management
Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Page No: 20-25
Indexing: Google Scholar

This research paper looks into how leadership skills have brought prosperity to many countries, including India over the years. In India, leadership skills in leading the country is popular, and has been honed by generations of Indians living in the country from ancient to modern days. In the earlier stage, leadership research focused in bringing out 'authority' in leaders, and look towards those who possess assertive voice and clear vision to lead the people. Now, the core value of organizations and organizational performance begins with the leaders and their different leadership styles discussed above. By analysing many leadership styles associated with the Indian leaders such as the great man behavioural, situational, contingency, transformational, transactional, and complexity leadership styles, the paper looks into how such leadership qualities have become a necessity in bringing development and performance changes in modern organizational work operations. The analysis brought out that these leadership styles remains as the main determinant of organizational success, since they offer good context in increasing commitment from workers towards organizational performance.

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